Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cinephiles in Action

Hey, Gals!
Don’t we look great? You look so well-behaved in the picture!
Julio and Alessandra, see what you missed not being there today?
Well, this is the end of “A Beautiful Mind” chapter.
Next… “Juno”, a Jason Reitman’s film.
Keep posted. News soon!


  1. Dear girls,

    What a cheerful group! I can see from your faces how much you are enjoying learning English through movies. Fun, huh? I wonder what you discussed about the film "A Beautiful Mind". What was the lesson? What caught your attention?

    I´m sure you´ll have great fun with Juno.

    Can´t wait to hear your impressions.

    Cheers from an English teacher in Brasilia,

  2. Hey Carla,

    Thank you so much for your support.
    I'll "remind" the girls to reply to your friendly post.
