Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 2 - Back to "Juno"

Before our meeting this week, go to
You will read several quotes and exchanges extracted from "Juno".
Choose at least two excerpts and comment on them.
Copy and paste the first words of the original text before your comment.

Monday, September 21, 2009

JUNO starring Ellen Page and Michael Cera

JUNO - Week 1

- Answer the poll on the left side of this page.
- Support your answer with at least two more sentences in the comment box below.
- Go to (Juno's Official Site)
Click on Menu, About, and read the Synopsis.
Scroll down, choose one of the reviews in
"See what the critics are saying" and read it.
- Does this review make you feel like watching this movie (again)?
Answer this question in the comment box below.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cinephiles in Action

Hey, Gals!
Don’t we look great? You look so well-behaved in the picture!
Julio and Alessandra, see what you missed not being there today?
Well, this is the end of “A Beautiful Mind” chapter.
Next… “Juno”, a Jason Reitman’s film.
Keep posted. News soon!

Next Movie

The next movie to be watched and discussed has been chosen by Maria: "JUNO".
Thanks, Maria. Great choice!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Beautiful Mind (2001) - Taglines

A Beautiful Mind (2001) - Taglines: "It is only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found"

This is one of the taglines in A Beautiful Mind. Click on the link above, choose one statement and write two sentences relating it to the film.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 2

Go to
- Read the FAQ at the bottom of the page.
Which question(s) interested you most?
What was your reaction to the answer(s)?

Week 1


View the trailer.

Go to
-Read the summary.
-Watch the movie at home.

A Brief Note on Princeton and MIT:

Most of the film centers around John’s life at two of the best Universities in the United States. Princeton is located in the small town of Princeton, New Jersey, about an hour from New York City. When John arrived as a young student in the late 1940’s, Albert Einstein was still a professor there (he died in 1955, having been at Princeton for nearly 20 years).

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, known by most as MIT, is perhaps the most prestigious school of technology and applied sciences in the world (in the film, John taught for a few years at a defense department center at MIT called the Wheeler Institute). MIT is located just minutes from Harvard University, in Boston, Massachusetts, which probably has more excellent universities than any city in the world. (source: