Do you remember one of the first scenes of the movie, when Mary I's husband was sitting next to her, sunk in a chair, looking like a no one (a no one?!), apparently bored and disgusted, hating everything around him (including his wife)?
And then later, in another scene, Mary yells, "My husband is gone, they have poisoned my baby...",
...guess where her husband had headed to.
Find out ALL about him.

Phillip II of Spain
Remember the scene in which Elizabeth is rehearsing the address she was supposed to make to rival clergy on the "Act of Uniformity"?
Cate Blanchett's acting was superb!!! WATCH THE VIDEO here. You may also read the transcript to this scene.
Elizabeth meets Duke d'Anjou.
Factual Mistake: "Elizabeth was nearly twenty years older than the flamboyant, bisexual transvestite Duke of Anjou, and they never met in person. He went on to become King Henry III of France, and his younger brother became Duke of Anjou. It was this Duke that Elizabeth met, and they actually got along very well and even talked about getting married. However, due to unpopular public sentiment towards the match and Elizabeth's own aversion to marriage in general, the plans were called off". See source.
Anachronisms: Robert Dudley recites Sir Philip Sidney's sonnet "My true love hath my heart" to Elizabeth in a boat. This sonnet was not written until at least 1580, about 20 years after the time the movie is set, and wasn't published until 1593. (source: Imdb)
Whether it's anachronic or not, it's beautiful and veeeeery romantic.
READ and LISTEN to the sonnet here.
Last but not least...
After Elizabeth I's reign the Tudor dynasty was survived only in the female line, with the House of Stuart occupying the English throne for most of the following century. Click on the links to learn more!
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